Our friend, Anna, joined the Uganda “GO! Trip” this past June and walked away beautifully impacted. “It was a unique experience for me to go on an open trip. The team was from all over the country and from all different backgrounds (religious and professional) which created an exciting dynamic.”
Anna shared that, “Everyone worked well together, and brought their own distinct perspectives to what we were seeing and experiencing. Hearing their insight, having had different life experiences and expertise, made the trip that much more special. I just wanted to soak up all I was learning from my teammates.”
“The Ugandan team was also phenomenal. They were so gracious to us, answering all of our questions and making sure we were taken care of. They were also just fun to be around and brought a lightness to full days,” she goes on to highlight.
Many trip participants have their hearts captured by little ones they are interacting with at either playground builds, story clubs or food distributions. Some even experience the incredible honor and pleasure of visiting children in their homes. Anna exclaimed that, “Seeing these little ones love without restriction and care for each other was inspirational. I was so grateful to be on the receiving end of that love and care for a little while. I felt so fortunate to be able to be a tiny part of their lives for the short amount of time that I had.”
Perspectives shift when, like Anna, team members realize who all is really being impacted. It’s not just the kids! “Although these kids are what we might consider poor, they are richer than I will ever be in spirit. They are stronger than I will ever be in determination, and more generous than I could ever hope to be in the future. I got to share in the privilege of bringing them a new playground, but in the end, I am convinced that the joy it brought them is not half as great as what they brought me. I am forever in their debt for all the kindness they showed me, all the hugs they gave me, all the laughter we shared, and all the lessons they taught me. I hope that I can continue returning the favor.”
We are blessed to witness when both the giver and the receiver are impacted!