Welcome To The Good News

In this quarterly update we share how God is working to impact lives. Enjoy! 

Highlights And Happenings Of 3rd Quarter



This Quarter


This Quarter


This Quarter

Our mission to “GO! Serve Others” through FOOD, PLAY, and STORY has kept us (and you!) busy this past quarter—we’ve witnessed God bless the work of many hands and hearts! The true impact isn’t just in the numbers you’ll read, but in knowing that lives and futures are being shaped as we partner with you to drive change. Whether you packed meals, built a playground, shared a story from God’s Word, or volunteered at Second Saturday, your contribution has made a lasting difference!


We remain deeply grateful for partners and friends who roll up their sleeves and open up their hearts (and calendars) to serve at our Rockford warehouse every second Saturday of the month.  Are YOU interested in serving others? There’s still plenty of opportunities! Follow the link for volunteer options at our Rockford, IL location.  We love serving alongside each of you! 

Second Saturday Sign Up HERE



In September, we had the opportunity to collaborate with incredible organizations to tackle hunger right here at home.  In partnership with the 9/11 Day organization for the National Day of Service, we supported local Feeding America-affiliated food banks in 9 of the 21 cities hosting meal-packing events. In just one day, 8 million meals were packed – 2.7 million of those being in KATW supported cities –  for distribution across the U.S.!

The 9/11 Day organization is dedicated to “inspiring millions of Americans and others to rekindle the remarkable spirit of unity and compassion that arose in the aftermath of 9/11, and to perform acts of service in tribute to the victims, survivors, first responders, and military members who bravely responded to the attacks.” 

It was an honor to not only pay tribute to 9/11 but also to help build hope in our communities.


What an exciting opportunity to partner with MGM Resorts in Las Vegas at the T-Mobil Arena!  An impressive 465 volunteers came together to pack over 200,000 meals departing Vegas and destined for malnourished children in our global communities.  We’re grateful for the incredible impact that can come through those who serve!


Big or small, business partnerships are essential to supporting our FOOD program. We deeply value these teams who are dedicated to strengthening communities and meeting the needs of hungry children worldwide.

  • We’re deeply grateful for a team of Target managers in California who recently gathered to pack thousands of meals for children in Uganda, demonstrating both workplace leadership and commitment to purposeful impact.
  • Discount Tire Centers employees packed enough meals to feed 105 children for an entire school year. These meals will be sent to children in refugee camps. We thank them for taking time out of their busy work day to serve others in such a meaningful way.
  • Cleo, a software solutions and integration company, were represented by a team of 20 employees at our Rockford warehouse, where they packed over 2,500 meals. Their engagement in making a difference in children’s lives speaks volumes about their organization!


There’s no shortage of students stepping up and recognizing their generation’s ability to have a positive and significant impact!  In the last few months:

  • We hosted a group of Auburn High School students who stepped away from the classroom in order to join in packing meals at our Rockford warehouse. 
  • Samford University students in Birmingham, AL participated in packing over 32,000 meals during their Family Weekend.
  • LSU students in Baton Rouge, LA turned Tiger pride into community impact by packing nourishment for hungry children to the tune of over 100,000 meals!    


Our PLAY Program has been just as ACTIVE as the kiddos on our playgrounds! Since the beginning of July we have removed 40 playgrounds, shipped 12, and installed 24! As summer comes to a close and removals slow down, we gain time to focus on giving our playgrounds some much-needed TLC through refurbishment before shipping!  Harvesting, repurposing and replanting JOY continues to bring us great cause to celebrate and this quarter is no exception. 


We’re thrilled to share that we built our 1200th playground in August! Thanks to the incredible funding support of our PLAY partners, Little Tikes Commercial, and the hardworking team from North Coast Calvary Chapel, KATW traveled to Lamwo, Uganda, to make it happen. This milestone playground is bringing endless joy and hope to children in the community, and we couldn’t be more excited about bringing holistic and generational impact to that region of the world!


KATW recently teamed up with Amigos for Christ in Nicaragua to build an impressive four playgrounds in just five days! Three of the playgrounds were installed at the Amigos Academy in the rural community of La Chuscada, which serves students from kindergarten through 6th grade.  The playgrounds – placed in different areas of the school – were tailored to specific age groups and grade levels. The fourth playground, a larger one, was built at Amigos for Christ headquarters in Chinandega.  Honor Bulkley, the major donor and fundraiser for the project, brought family from the U.S. to help build the playgrounds, alongside the parents of community students. Despite weather challenges, the teams put in the overtime to finish these gifts of play in record time!  

The team’s hard work was rewarded during the dedication ceremony, where each class of students gave special presentations filled with singing, dancing, and precious gratitude!


In July, an 18-member team from Rock Church set out from San Diego to Gulu, Uganda, ready to work hard and love big. Their days were filled with digging holes for a new playground (with eager village boys lending a hand), distributing meals to children in Te Dam—packed months earlier in California—and sharing love with orphans through KIDStory. During one StoryClub, they witnessed 14-year-old Gloria’s passionate retelling of a Bible story that left an impression on many.  While praying over those in the surrounding communities is not uncommon, the team recalled a poignant moment when given the privilege of praying for God’s protection over a mother with strong faith and her baby. Playground Dedication Day brought joyful closure as the celebration included 200 children singing and dancing!


“I saw a group of kids kneeling in the dirt, spinning something. When I got closer, I realized they were spinning glue caps and drawing lines in the sand. It struck me that this was the only ‘toy’ they had in the refugee camp.”  Upon returning from the global outreach trip to Uganda in August, a team member shared this deeply touching moment. 

Reflecting on the experience, she added, “Building them a giant, colorful playground to call their own was one of the greatest gifts they could ever receive.” Throughout the trip, the team from North Coast Calvary Chapel witnessed what many of our partners see: Complete community transformation happening through the local church.

Seeing children with so little, yet knowing their lives would soon change, had a profound impact on the team. The playground was built next to a church, where the children will not only play but also learn about Jesus. The team member was especially moved when the children worshiped with them—”It felt like we were hearing the sounds of heaven.”

Coming into contact with the passionate local staff and pastors was another incredible highlight as they exclaimed, “Though we arrived as strangers, we left Uganda as family. We will never forget the children, pastors, and everyone we met.”


As of the end of 3rd Quarter, through our partnership with Workforce Connections, First Institute, and CFNIL grant funding, we’ve welcomed five individuals to work with us. After completing welding training at First Institute, they joined us to further refine their skills and learn new techniques. Of these five, four have already secured welding and fabrication jobs with local companies. We look forward to future placements of welders as we continue partnering in our local community with First Institute and their training program in order to bring global impact! 



KIDStory user and partner, Real Life Ministries, recently had this to share:

This year, we used the Discover and Response questions from KIDStory during our kids’ camp, and the results were incredible!  Children opened up about deeply challenging things happening at home and in their lives. We collected their responses on sticky notes and placed them on a five-foot-tall cross, covering every inch—some areas were even double-covered.

We brought the cross back from camp, and now all our volunteers can touch it and pray over each prayer request, trusting that God knows the details behind every one. It was a powerful, Holy Spirit-led moment that moved the kids to share and open up. Praise God!

Several children returned from camp with a desire to be baptized, and we handed out 27 Bibles to kids who had either never heard of the Bible or didn’t have one of their own. One child shared, “Now I know what the family of God is supposed to look like. My family may never be like this, but I know I can do my part to build a home modeled after Jesus!”


The Olympic theme brought fun and inspiration to a church partner’s day camp. Incorporating the KIDStory methodology, the camp featured “Running the Race,” based on Hebrews 12:1-2, which emphasized navigating life by fixing our eyes on Jesus. This approach is sparking meaningful conversations among their leaders to become more intentional in their ministry.  The beauty of KIDStory is that anyone can be a champion in sharing God’s story through fun, relational, and interactive methods. 

We’re grateful to see how domestic churches are creatively inspiring children to actively engage with God’s Word! The real reward is guiding children toward LIFE-CHANGING transformation!


We LOVE sharing fresh content with our KIDStory partners! That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we launched KIDStory Quick Tips, available every Tuesday on our YouTube channel! KIDStory Quick Tips is a collection of short videos designed to foster your ability to relationally disciple children using the KIDStory methodology. 

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel HERE so you don’t miss out! Whether you’re a parent, teacher, ministry leader—anyone sharing God’s Word with children—these insights and encouragements will enhance your KIDStory journey!


Earlier this year, KATW conducted KIDStory training with a group of facilitators in South Africa from the Early Childhood Development Centre – Creche. Since then, the organization has integrated the KIDStory methodology into their daily curriculum and has successfully trained and implemented the “Inceba Kids” program in over 68 centers. They plan to expand this to more than 200 centers in the coming months! 

Their pilot program, which includes “Inceba Kids” (KIDStory), is currently being presented to local governments thereby opening the possibility of even preschool children across provinces hearing the gospel! We are overjoyed that more and more children around the world will have the opportunity to hear the gospel IN SCHOOL!


KIDStory training can come with physical and spiritual challenges, which makes breakthrough moments that much more celebrated. During one particular StoryClub training in a global community this past quarter, the team faced initial difficulties with method comprehension. However, the next day, after prayer, everything shifted. When 130 eager children arrived, the previously confused leaders became fully engaged, and the kids were captivated. The Holy Spirit’s presence transformed the experience, and in the debrief, leaders were eager to take what they learned back to their communities. The team also visited a widow caring for seven orphans, a humbling reminder of joy amid hardship, and ended the day at a powerful crusade where 20 people committed their lives to Christ. The team left amazed by all God had done!


Partners in South Africa recently helped us lead a KIDStory webinar and we’re excited to share that 82 people from 28 countries registered! Notably, about 25% of participants received KIDStory training for the first time. 

The webinar, titled “Building Resilience in Children,” addressed the challenges many children face today. In a world filled with confusion and chaos, many children feel lost and hurt, especially those experiencing trauma or crisis. This webinar taught valuable skills to help children bounce back and remain strong and healthy under the banner of how God can enable us with resiliency. 

Join us in future webinar topics to learn how to equip and disciple children in God’s Word through the Bible’s method of storytelling by clicking HERE for more details and opportunities! 


Geoffrey, a StoryClub leader in Gulu City, Northern Uganda, is thrilled to be part of a KIDStory team. He recently shared the value and joy in using costumes to reinforce a lesson in the STORY methodology, based on his experience with two stories: David & Goliath and Daniel in the Lion’s Den. The performance of Daniel in the Lion’s Den even drew the attention of the wider community, prompting more people to attend the KIDStory sessions.

Benefits of Using Costumes: 

-Promotes creativity as children actively participate in making the costumes, sparking their imagination.

-Deepens engagement given repeated practice with the costumes as it helps the story become a part of the children’s lives.

-Broader reach occurs as the plays attract adults, allowing the Gospel to reach a wider audience.

-Eases mobilization considering that children are excited to come see a play, ensuring consistent attendance and discipleship.



We’re thrilled to celebrate the generosity of our amazing friends at Rock Church in San Diego, CA who allowed God to use them for powerful growth in our global communities.  Their partnership and support enabled our inaugural Hope Zone in Uganda—a beautiful answer to prayer. We’ve seen God move in their hearts to take this meaningful step, and because of their sponsorship, many children and families will experience life-changing transformation!  Discover how you can be part of Hope Zone’s empowering impact by learning more HERE!


We are thrilled to announce that as part of our ongoing mission to bring hope and transformation to children globally, we are expanding our Hope Zones into a NEW COUNTRY!  Don’t miss the exceptionally exciting news HERE!

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