In November 2023, Ed and his wife Elaine, along with their children, embarked on an unforgettable GO Trip to build a playground in the Dominican Republic. Inspired by their experience, they desired to extend the invitation to others in their Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) to which they belonged.
Young Executives are “Hooked”!
In beautiful progression, several YPO families caught the vision and joined in to Serve Others this past November.
The group included seven executives and their families, with 12 young participants aged 10 to 17. Together, they built a vibrant playground for children in a community nestled deep within sugarcane fields.
The impact was profound—for the local community and for the families who gave their time and effort. One CEO reflected, “What a way for us to celebrate this holiday. I deeply appreciate the experience, the memories, and the joy of seeing so many smiles on the faces of those whose lives we were able to touch.”
Another family shared that combining travel with such a meaningful purpose was, “a first for us. [The] heartfelt speech at La Casita, reassuring the Batey kids that the playground was there to stay and not be taken away, was very moving. This further confirmed what ridiculously blessed lives we live.”
This experience has left a lasting impression. As one participant put it, “We’re hooked and can’t wait for the next opportunity to ‘Serve Others.’ “ Together, these families transformed lives and created memories that will last a lifetime—a remarkable example of how a heart that chooses to Give Freely can impact both the giver and receiver!