KIDStory 2023 Conference

February 24-25, 2023
North Coast Calvary Chapel, Carlsbad, CA

KIDStory 2023 Conference

This is a conference for those with a heart to disciple children and those serving in missions around the world! KIDStory is a strategy that practices 5 core essentials that rely on God’s Word and His Spirit to transform a life. There is a need to raise up and equip leaders to disciple children in ways that work best for them. We believe transformation takes place by creating a relational learning environment where God’s Word is spoken, His Spirit guides, and a child encounters the love of Jesus by becoming an active participant in God’s story and not just a distant observer.

Conference Dates/Location:
February 24-25, 2023
Friday, 5pm-9pm & Saturday, 9am-4pm
North Coast Calvary Chapel, Carlsbad, CA

$45 Fee Covers Admission and Meals

• To be challenged to impact children’s lives by equipping their parents and leaders in KIDStory
• One of the most effective teaching strategies that has been proven to work with anyone, anywhere at any time
• Fun, interactive ways to hear, learn and retell God’s Word using materials you already have! Activities to include: games, music, art & drama
• Proven ways to disciple children by facilitating discussions which allow the Holy Spirit to impact a child’s heart
• Acquiring skills to create an environment, a StoryClub, where kids encounter the love of Jesus!
• Learn how KIDStory can be used for things like: family devotions, leadership and discipleship training, short term missions, VBS, trauma mitigation and more…

Conference Schedule

Friday, February 24: 5pm-9pm

  • 4:30 pm – Registration Opens
  • 5:00 pm – Basic Workshop Begins
    Dinner to be served during this session
  • 9:00 pm – Break for the evening

Saturday, February 25: 9am-4pm

  • 8:00 am – Registration Opens
  • 9:00 am – Main Session
  • 10:15 am – Breakout #1
  • 11:15 am – BREAK
  • 11:30 am – Breakout #2
  • 12:30 pm – Lunch
    Meet Global KIDStorians: Hear from international KIDStorians on how God is impacting children’s lives through the telling of His Story and the working of His Spirit
  • 1:30 pm – Breakout #3
  • 2:30 pm – Main Session
  • 3:30 pm – Final Closing Activities

Conference Speakers

Chris Centeio
VP of Operations – ZimZam Global

Roger Walterhouse
Dir. of Ministry Programs – Feed the Hungry

Terry Broberg
Walk Thru the Bible Global Children’s Director

Betsy Mabry
Dir. of Spiritual Development – VisionTrust

Gary Strudler
KIDStory Global Director

Steve Nine
GenHope International Director

Joan Stevenson
North Coast Calvary Children’s Director

Theresa Richardson
South Africa Community of Hope Program Facilitator

Rob & Claudine Rayfield
KIDStory Field Coordinators

Ruthann Bosko
KIDStory Field Coordinator

Misha Bakic
KIDStory Regional Director

Rachel Prentiss
Special Needs Coordinator – North Coast Calvary Chapel

Kennedy Fumba
KIDStory Regional Director West Africa

Mary Ann Nunez
Program Team Leader – North Coast Calvary Chapel

Emad Wadie
Sports Movement Facilitator

Breakout Sessions

Our sessions provide insight in to three possible areas of focus:
KIDStory Foundations – Building your confidence in the basics
Leadership – Creating a discipleship movement
Local & Global – Discipleship through partnering and outreach

  • Crafting a Joyful Word in a Joyless World (KIDStory Foundations)
    Did you know joy is one of the best antidotes for trauma? This breakout will explore how a joyful presentation of the Gospel will accelerate healing in children’s lives.
  • Creating a Storyteller Culture
    Discuss proven strategies to implement KIDStory in your weekly ministries. Learn how to train, support and retain storytellers.
  • KIDStory@Church (Leadership)
    Learn from the North Coast Calvary Chapel team what it takes to transition your ministry to the KIDStory methodology and the results you could discover for your ministry.
  • So What’s the Point? (Local & Global)
    There can and should be a reason for every time we teach a lesson. In our time together we will discuss how ministry partnerships can help us grow and enhance our mission goals. We will talk about how partnering with KidStory is helping Walk Thru the Bible broaden its ministry goals.
  • KIDStory@Home (KIDStory Foundations)
    See how God can use your home as a hub for KIDStory, not only for your own children, but with children and families from your local neighborhood.
  • Sharing the Gospel: God’s Great Story (Leadership)
    Create a fun, interactive way to hear, learn and retell God’s Great Story through a simple
    booklet the kids can draw for themselves.
  • KIDStory in Preschool (Local Church)
    You have used KIDStory with older kids and experienced great results. But how do you make the strategy work with younger children? Join the North Coast team as they share how to use KIDStory with children as young as 2-5 year-olds.
  • “Masidlala” – Let’s play!
    Every KIDStory meeting is a wonderful opportunity to build resilience (the ability to “bounce back”) in the children we serve. Come and join us to learn about specific activities and games that focus on the three sources of resilience “I am”, “I have” and “I can”. Let’s use the opportunity to have fun while boosting this important life skill in our children!
  • Add Some Spice to Your KIDStory Lessons
    We were all taught in High School English that the beginning and end of a paper was just the bread and that the good stuff, the “meat” was in the middle.  Research shows that the first and last things we engage with are the things we retain the most. If you’ve ever felt like your Opening and closing Response Question are too dry and you need something to spice them up, this breakout session is for you!  Your kids will be hungry for more!
  • KIDStory and Kids with Special Needs
    Discuss ways for the church to thoughtfully make space for and engage with those in the special needs community. Learn how your ministry could adopt practices within KidStory that allow everyone to play a part.
  • Dollar Tree and KIDStory Collide (KIDStory Foundations)
    With some creativity and ingenuity, see what $15 at the Dollar Store can do in bringing extra-ordinary fun and interaction to your Bible Story.
  • Church Planting Remixed…The Impact of Children on Church Multiplication
    Traditional church growth efforts have always focused on adults, but what would happen if  children became part of the mix? Join us to learn more about this new church multiplication strategy.
  • KIDStory Connections in Your Own Backyard.
    Open your heart and your home to the needs of the children in your own backyard. Explore ideas for possible partnerships for using KIDStory with families, churches and ministries in your community.

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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