
Rutilo was forsaken!  Four years ago, believing God had called him to be a pastor, he planted a small church deep in the Vera Cruz region of Mexico, in a humble “off the map” village called Chicualoque.  These were very challenging years.  Feeling isolated, alone and fighting depression lasting many months, Pastor Rutilo struggled against doubt and deep despair. Could God have forgotten him?  Why was he there?  His heart cried out.

One night he had a vivid dream that encouraged him.  In it, he saw a group of strangers come to lift his burden and help him shine the light of Christ.  This dream took place two days before the Kids Around the World vans showed up at his door.  Our volunteer team told Pastor Rutilo that God had led them to his village and his church through a series of circumstances.  They were there to support and encourage him, build a playground and train him and his team to share God’s light to the children of the village.  They were there to resource him, lighten his burden and to love him.  Most importantly, they were there to remind Pastor Rutilo that God still loved him.  God had good plans for his life, wanted to give him a future and hope!  He was not forgotten or alone. Rutilo’s church was off the map… but never out of God’s heart.

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