
Victoria was filled with despair. As a single mother with four children ranging from 5 to 14 years old, struggling to survive in extreme poverty in eastern Nicaragua, she had lost all hope. The daily torment of hearing her children moan with pain as they struggled to survive through starvation had become more than she could bear.

In her desperation, Victoria made a decision that she thought would rescue her children. She determined that if she was not there, surely others would take them in, or the government would place them in the care of an orphanage where they would be fed. Victoria strapped a leather belt to the rafters on their make-shift home, slipped her head through the looped belt, and stepped off the board that was holding her.

Hearing the commotion, her oldest son ran in to find her gasping for breath. He quickly responded. Grabbing a machete and chopping the belt in half, he rescued his mother from certain death. As she began to breathe again, her other children ran in and beheld the scene. They all lay weeping around her, as a stranger entered their home asking what had happened. Victoria’s son painfully recounted what had happened and the visiting woman inquired of Victoria why she would take her own life and leave her children behind. Victoria shared her desperation and the visitor responded with words of hope. She began to share with Victoria about a place that would feed her children, every day.

Victoria and her four children followed the stranger’s directions to this place of hope, and found their way to a Kids Around the World partner feeding center. They were lovingly received and provided hot, nutritious OneMeal food casseroles. In the subsequent days, Victoria was given a small job washing laundry. Within three weeks, Victoria made a decision to follow Jesus during a Monday night prayer and worship meeting at the Feeding Center.

Life still brings it’s challenges. But now Victoria and her children lean into Jesus, knowing He will provide. And He does! The family no longer hungers. Their bodies and spirits are continually filled to the brim.

This Story of Hope was made possible by the Kids Need Fund. Visit kidsneedfund.org to find out how you can help make stories of hope happen every day.

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