
Claudia had been teaching children in her church in the Dominican Republic for many years. Earlier this year she received KIDStory training, and began using that as she taught the children. They responded well and really enjoyed the games and activities as they retold the stories each week. Claudia noticed a lot more participation during each lesson when they would go through the questions that help them understand and apply the Bible in their life.

There was one young boy in particular whom God used to speak to Claudia. This boy has several physical handicaps and learning disabilities. The other children simply ignored him, and he never felt like he was part of the group. He would just sit there in the back of the room.

But something special happened the week Claudia taught from KIDStory about Jesus healing the man who had leprosy. As Claudia told the story, the boy listened and watched her intently. When Claudia asked if anyone in the class would like to try and retell the story, he raised his hand the best he could. He went on to tell the story perfectly! He was so proud that he could do it, and it moved Claudia. It also moved the other children too. This boy could truly understand what the man in the story felt like. And he could imagine being healed by God as well. Claudia was overwhelmed with God’s grace… happy for the little boy and encouraged by the reminder that God was using her to help children learn, understand, and apply the Bible!

This Story of Hope was made possible by the Kids Need Fund. Visit kidsneedfund.org to find out how you can help make stories of hope happen every day.

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