
Join us for this special trip as KIDS President, Jim Rosene, shares global trends and the challenges children are facing around the world, along with the incredible opportunities for transformation God is putting in front of us.

We are heading to Jericho to partner with Seeds of Hope to build a playground for the kids. Located in the Jordan Valley, ancient history surrounds this desert town. Seeds of Hope commits itself to meeting the needs of the Jericho community while communicating the love of Christ.

Daily Journeys:

Sunday, April 2
Our first stop of the day will be at the Independence Hall for a briefing on Israel’s fight for independence. We will also hear a moving recording of David Ben Gurion proclaiming Israel’s independence. We will continue our day with a visit to Joppa and then continue to Beit Lid where 22 people (21 of them IDF soldiers) were killed by a suicide bomber in 1995. We will hear a personal account from Moran Rosenblit. Our next stop will be to Caesarea, the ancient capital of Roman Judea. Here history comes alive as modern technology enables visitors to “see” and “speak” to major figures throughout history. Our last stop today will be at the Carmel Mountain, to the Muhraka, where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal. Here we will have a Bible study. Overnight stay: Sea of Galilee

Monday, April 3
We will start our day by visiting the ancient city of Caesarea Philippi and from there onto the Biblical city of Dan, where we will walk, Bible in hand, below the impressive 4,000 year-old Canaanite walls and bring the ancient Biblical stories to life. Our walk takes us from an ancient town into the Eden-like haven of the Dan Nature Reserve, where we will hike along and across running streams. We will continue our day at Bethsaida National Park with a Bible study where we will study some of our Messiah’s teaching at the Mount of Beatitudes. Continuing onto Capernaum, we will visit an ancient synagogue and Peter’s home, which stand side by side. We will then board a replica of one and take a leisurely ride on the Sea of Galilee. We will end our day with a stop at the Yardenit where we will baptize those we will wish to. Overnight stay: Sea of Galilee

Tuesday, April 4
We will start our day by visiting the Samaritan town of Shiloh. We will then continue to Mt. Gerizim and learn about the Samaritan people. Overnight stay: Jerusalem

Wednesday, April 5
We will begin the day with a visit to the City of David and the Davidson Center at the southern archaeological park. In the afternoon, we will visit the Western Wall and the Temple Tunnels for an exciting underground walk through history. We will end our day at the Pool of Bethesda and then exit the old city of Jerusalem through the Lion’s Gate. Overnight stay: Jerusalem

Thursday, April 6
We will start our day with a visit the Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum. Then we will continue to visit the city of Bethlehem. We will end our day with a visit to some of the most important sites in God’s city, the Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden Tomb. Overnight stay: Jerusalem

Friday, April 7
A very early morning trip will take us to Masada; listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, we will take a “living history” tour of King Herod’s palace-fortress and hear the dramatic story of the Jewish Zealots in their rebellion against the Romans. We will then go and enjoy some time of swimming and relaxing at the Dead Sea. Next we will  continue on our way to enjoy a wonderful walk in Ein Gedi’s David’s Canyon. On our way North we will stop and visit Qumran. We will then drive to Jericho.

April 8-11
Jericho to build the playground!

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