Pastor Moses

Moses is a young Pastor who understands making an impact for God’s Kingdom requires patience and trust. Ten years ago his church in South Sudan plateaued at 10 women and 15 children and he started second guessing his calling. Ready to leave the ministry, a friend came alongside him and encouraged him to stay, reminding him those 15 children were the future leaders of the Church. Moses chose to remain faithful, albeit, a little reluctantly.

Fast forward to June 2016: Rebels in the war-torn country of South Sudan force villagers to flee for their lives. Moses and his wife are among the displaced seeking asylum and eventually find safety in a Ugandan refugee camp. In July 2016, a KIDStory Workshop is held for South Sudanese pastors serving in the refugee camps. Moses participates and wrestles with God over his denial that children can have an intimate relationship with Jesus. His restless spirit ends with his commitment to the Lord that he will return to the refugee camp and tell Bible stories to children. He was determined to create an environment, like Jesus did, where children have an encounter with God and they are welcomed, loved and blessed – this led to Moses starting his first StoryClub.

The South Sudan conflict has left two million children displaced, separated from their families, taken out of school, and in search of hope and safety. Paul* is one of the growing number of children abandoned in Uganda. Paul was given hope and a chance for an improved life when he was left on the doorstep of Pastor Moses. Moses took Paul to church with him every Sunday for a year but because of Paul’s poor education he could not understand the Word of God. However, all of that changed when Moses started using the KIDStory strategy in his StoryClub and Paul heard Bible stories in fun, interactive ways that made it come alive. Paul accepted Jesus as his Savior and in the words of Moses, “loves God to this day.”

There are 2.2 billion children in the world.  75% of them are oral learners.
When we first became aware of orality-based learners we knew we had to adapt, maybe change and develop a different approach to sharing the Bible to children…this is why we created KIDStory – an effective strategy to reach the nearly 75% of children who learn best through the spoken word.  Visit here to see additional opportunities to support and learn about KIDStory

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the child.

ReTelling a Bible story through interactive games
South Sudanese children in refugee camp leaving StoryClubs

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