
The KIDStory Regional Director in India saw the Lord at work at a Christian Primary school where she hosts a StoryClub every other Thursday for an hour. This school has 160 children attending, 95% come from Muslim backgrounds. For that hour, 160 children are together in one place listening to a bible store then participating in a group discussion. The most recent bible story taught was of Elisha and the widow with the jar of oil. After the story was finished the group broke into the discussion and questions about the story, a few of the children were so moved by the story they wanted to share their prayer requests,

One eight-year-old boy shared, “My dad used to drink – I prayed to Jesus that he’d stop drinking and he has stopped drinking.”
A seven-year-old girl said, “My parents used to fight, I prayed to Jesus that they’d stop fighting, and they haven’t fought since.”
Another little girl eight years old told the group, “My mother had no job, I prayed to Jesus to give her a job and she found a job.”

The Lord is working in the lives of these children.

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