
Who said all that happened at a KIDStory workshop was only Training? Almost every workshop sees much more happen – things that are wrought by none other than the Lord Himself, things that would result in change in people’s focus going forward, change in their perspective on children – the ones they are called to serve, change in their attitude towards special children, poor children, change in the way they connect with children in general, and sometimes, a change in one’s profession as well – here are a few stories to corroborate the above.

During a KIDStory workshop at Intermission India the story lesson of “Jesus Blessing the Children” brought about a heartbreaking reminder of how much KIDStory is impacting the leaders as much as the children. This workshop was dedicated to  16 home parents who are in charge of caring for 170 children at a local orphanage in Chennai, India. After the participants heard the lesson they paired up and shared two incidents from their childhood with one another. The first, of a time when someone discouraged them in some way and the other, where someone encouraged them in some way. After sharing with each other we opened the discussion up to anyone who wanted to share their incidences with the whole group. During this time, the Senior Executive Officer, a middle-aged reserved man,  began to share about an incident in his childhood… getting choked up and holding back his tears at the memory of the hurtful and discouraging things that were spoken to him years ago. This shocked everyone in the room to see the leader of the organization holding back tears at the thought of an incident taking place long ago but still weighing on him so heavily. The man was so enveloped in KIDStory he is subjecting his whole staff to learn and share KIDStory with the children they help.

KIDStory starts by telling God’s stories coupled with engaging questions that allow the Holy Spirit to work and reveal in miraculous ways.

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