
Through Spear Africa Foundation a KIDStory workshop has ignited a fire for revival under the pastors in Kampala, Africa. Pastors were testifying after the workshop they have never witnessed this type strategy for ministering to children. Most of the approaches the pastors have been a part of are full of theories and approaches that do not make a difference in the kids. During the workshop, the pastors were able to experience a StoryClub taking place. The pastors were enlightened to experience a practical teaching were children can remember and retell a Bible story. One participant, Pastor Robert, has been a pastor the last 18 years but has never known how to minister to children. He came to the KIDStory workshop to observe but he left with a tool his Sunday school teachers would use in their children’s ministry. He never thought Bible storytelling would be such a great way to minister to children. After seeing the StoryClub he realized how children can understand and internalize the story. His eyes were opened to the importance of ministering to children.


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