
San Jose is the most impoverished area in the Dominican Republic. Our partners on the ground there have served as a family for nearly 7 years through a base that is at the heart of the village. They live in a way that many of us here in the US might struggle to understand or might flat out avoid. They do this because of their love for Jesus. They have befriended and shared the Gospel, not only with those from their village but regularly step out in exciting ways to impact the lives of other communities through the resurrection power of God’s BIG STORY! They show their love in tangible ways through their availability to meet needs, both physical and spiritual. During our build there, we witnessed Craig, a participant with the build,  suture a young man’s wound received during an altercation in the village. This kind of trust does not happen in just days or weeks but over the long-suffering efforts of those willing to run a race of endurance. The people of the village know that this compound is a safe haven for them. This is what a dedication to Christ and spreading the Gospel truly means, deep heartfelt relationships.

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