
Emmy came to a KIDStory workshop with nothing more than curiosity, but she walked away with more than she had bargained for: skills and a vision.


Her vision was to start three StoryClubs in her community and be part of bringing biblical hope to children in the disadvantaged communities around her.


She has been successful in establishing the three StoryClubs. From these StoryClubs, she has seen smiles, hope and, truth from the children ways she had never imagined.


However, God had bigger plans for her vision.  Parents and other adults began attending the StoryClubs just as spectators. After a few weeks of watching, these adults curiously attend the StoryClubs, Emmy asked, “what brings you here?  This is intended for children.” The answer was overwhelming.The parents wanted Emmy start StoryClubs for their children.


Emmy could not be in so many places at once so the parents asked her, “what if you teach us and we can start our own StoryClubs?”


They agreed this would be the best way forward. Emmy set out to train these new volunteers who are anxious to launch StoryClubs for the children.


The KIDStory workshop was successful! It is a blessing to see the self-driven multiplication by so many visionaries to teach children through StoryClubs.


Revival is at hand. Children are being targeted and reached more than ever before, with the help of StoryClubs

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