
This playground was shipped back in 2012 to Haiti and has been waiting in a container. This awaiting container benefited the team in Haiti when their planned playground was not released. Bruce and Julie, the KATW team leaders, saw the playground and believed it to be in good shape and viable for install. The playground had to be transported by sailboat to the island of LaGonave for the site. Our partner, U2U World, has partnered with KATW on four other builds in Haiti. Their attention has been working on this island for nine years now. This organization has helped build a hospital on the island, helps run an orphanage with 20 children in it, and helps run an elderly home for disabled and homeless people. This island is a very poor and helpless place holding on by the help of others. But  God was opening doors for this community during this build. The team was in Haiti during their holy week. The holiday celebrates voodoo traditions and frowns upon Christian associations. Despite the differences, the locals witnessed the KATW world team working together and with people from the community to finish the playground for them. These moments touched their hearts and opened the possibility for God to work in their lives.

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