
During a refresher KIDStory course Gary, KIDStory Director, and Steve, Regional KIDStory Director thought they would be leading a refresher for a small group of leaders who had previously gone through a KIDStory workshop. However, over the few days on their tour word got around resulting in 90+ people being trained in KIDStory for the first time. One pastor sent 20 people because they have 60 children coming to their church on Saturday afternoons but they need some coaching to effectively lead the children.  Another church actually has the children meet in the church building because they outnumber the adults so the adults meet outside under a tarp. After getting a “taste” of KIDStory, everyone was invited to a full workshop down the road to get “the full meal deal”!

We would like to remind you to be praying for these children and the StoryClubs that exist along with those that will be developed

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