
This is a  beautiful story captured from the President of Kids Around the World, Jim Rosene

“It was my first trip to Nicaragua and I was excited to visit one of our feeding centers. Over the years we have sent well over a million meals to the children here and it was my joy to finally observe a center in action.  I arrived early because I wanted to see the children who arrived first and try to talk with them with my extremely limited Spanish. The first ones in were two brothers….I watched them walk in the door, grab their toothbrush, and go to the sink to wash their hands and brush their teeth.  Needless to say, I was not expecting that but was good to see this happen. Then the two brothers joined hands with one of the leaders, bowed their heads, and gave thanks for the day and especially the food. The boys lined up, first to receive their serving of rice, soy, vitamins and today they were especially excited to get some meat.  They sat down at the table next to me….now it was my chance to try my Spanish out….that did not work out, so the Director came over and shared some background on the boys. She said they were somewhat homeless, they move around a lot with their Mother, but they started coming a few weeks ago and have not missed a day. I asked what they did for food before this, I was told they would go into the woods with slingshots in hand and hunt the birds. The boys did not like it as much as they do at the center. The BirdBoys of Nicaragua are connected with the Church that hosts the center and hears the Stories of Jesus.”

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