
Two days into an amazing KIDStory workshop with World Vision in Honduras…God was working. This was the first KIDStory workshop here. After the first day, one of the directors called Steve Nine, KIDStory Regional Director to thank him again for bringing KIDStory to Honduras. He shared his three-year-old was having a hard time sleeping so he told her the story they were practicing in the workshop when Peter walked on the water to Jesus. She calmed down after hearing the story. He asked his daughter who her favorite person in the story was…she replied, “Jesus.”

An hour after this Steve received an email from a different World Vision staff sharing after she went home she also told her daughter the story of Jesus walking on the water. Her daughter was thrilled after hearing the story and asked her mother to share more stories like it with her. She said when she was telling the story God began speaking to her as he did during the KIDStory workshop.This is a beautiful picture of transformation starting in the home. Something special has started in Honduras.

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