
KIDStory Director, Gary Strudler, took time away from summer in the states to visit KIDStory Regional Director in Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a KIDStory workshop for those in the area and surrounding regions to learn about KIDStory. The participants consisted of 27 people from five different countries. The commitment to this event was outstanding. People traveled from Lebanon, Congo, Ethiopia, Uganda, and as far as 25 hours by bus to join! God definitely Arranged this workshop and worked in the lives of those who were supposed to attend.

A few of the participants were already trained in KIDStory and shared how they started StoryClubs in their communities. Other participants attended because of what they have heard and seen in the StoryClubs and are looking forward to sharing with their children ministries and communities after they leave. One participant,  a pastor, shared aside from pastoring a church he has 100 StoryClubs around the area he lives in. The total number of children being ministered to is over 3,500! 

The hope for what will take place after everyone leaves is overflowing


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