
Emmy is continuing to do amazing work in Uganda

God did a powerful work in her life during the KIDStory workshop and she recommitted her life to working with children.  It did not take long for God to start ministering through her newly softened heart. Emmy returned to her village in Uganda ready to serve but was not prepared for what was going to happen Monday morning. Emmy works with Scripture Union whose primary focus is bringing the Gospel to children in the public schools.  Monday morning Emmy decided to try what she had learned at the KIDStory workshop. She had 300 unruly, bored children, mostly Muslim awaiting her teaching. They did not just sit around and have someone talk at them but instead were included in the discussion and learning. They played games and shared the stories amongst themselves.

Then the children broke up into smaller groups for a discussion time. The children’s responses were incredible.

One boy was angry at God for not answering his prayer. In the end, he heard God say to be patient which softened him and renewed his relationship with Christ.

A teacher from the school commented, “ Parents push Christianity on their children instead of allowing them to make their own decision, so the children have grown to hate any Christian activity. I noticed  having gone through the session using KIDStory, the children were willing to participate and not wanting it to end.”

Last but certainly not least, 150 of the 300 children prayed to have Christ in their hearts and be followers of Jesus!


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