

The five day  VBS in India had an amazing turn out of 90 children every day. Angel, the children’s teacher, used the KIDStory method to teach the children. The children were more engaged than they usually are because of the activities with KIDStory. The teachers found that the children also had a better recollection of the stories they learned than usual. Among the children who attended, 80% of them are non-believers but the hope is to sow a seed in the hearts of these children and see what God will do in their lives.

On the first day of the VBS, the children were asked to pray for rain to break up the hot weather they were experiencing in India. That night rain came and cooled the high temperatures. The children were thrilled to tell their teachers the next day how their prayers came true and how amazing God is.

Another little girl shared with her class the story of Jesus death on the cross. She has tears in her eyes as she shared the story. In the end, she asked her teacher why Jesus had to go through so much pain. At the end of the VBS, she gave her life to Jesus.



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