

A team of 31 from all over America came to Northern Mexico to bless a feeding center ministry and their church with a wonderful playground and KIDStory training. Fuentes is a small area comprised mostly of shanties and small homes, occupied by people who have been displaced from their original homes, and set up a type of refugee village about 20 miles east of Tijuana. God used four incredible days making a life-transforming difference in everyone involved – from the team who went, to local people who served with us, and to the children we came to serve and love. The children come to the feeding center for lunch each day – (for many it may be their only real meal that day.) Now they have an opportunity to “forget” the struggles they constantly face, and just play – like kids were created to do! And the ladies who run the center have been equipped to share God’s Word through KIDStory – where the kids will hear, learn, understand and apply His truths, offering them True Hope, through God’s Son.

*This trip was a dedication for Mike Young, KATW staff Pastor, to celebrate his 40 year wedding anniversary and mark his 10 years with Kids Around the World!

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