
On a freezing winter morning in Nairobi, our East African Director sat with other pastors at the “Pastors Konnect.” This is a monthly pastors forum in Nairobi. The event leader invited people to take five minutes and share what they do with as many people as possible. One of the people the KIDStory Regional Director got to share about KATW with was Pastor Anne.
Pastor Anne is the church administrator and children’s church director for Mavuno church, Lavington Assembly. She had an event coming up the following Saturday to train her Sunday school teachers. Pastor Anne immediately asked if he would be interested in giving a brief exposure of KIDStory to those who would participate in the event.
Even with the short notice, he was more than willing to share with the 16 participants. All of them have been in children’s ministry for some time, but once they experienced KIDStory and understood the concept of STORYClubs, they were amazed at how easily reproducible it is. They were particularly interested in the discovery of orality and how children learn best through story!


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