
One of the more touching moments of the team’s time came when a Moroccan mom and her three-year-old son came directly from the boats to us. They were defeated, you could immediately tell from their eyes. She had been severely beaten by her husband and fled to Spain on the boats. They were both shell-shocked by the experience. We listened to her story and some shared their own. We were connecting. One evening we invited her to have dinner with us at church and she came with her son. This was her first time in a church. We took her and her son immediately to the playground so we could put her at ease and talk to her. The boy was very shy and apprehensive at first but once the swing started going, his face lit up. In turn, a wide smile broke across the woman’s face, followed by uncontrollable laughter. Normalcy had begun. It was incredible seeing their smiles and laughter as they enjoyed the reality of freedom and fun. The little boy could not get enough of the playground. We had to pull him off well after midnight! Before leaving that night. the team shared the hope of the Gospel with her. The next day she told our team that she had decided to stay in Jerez with this church that showed her so much love.

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