
The KIDStory workshop in India impacted the participants tremendously, here are a few comments about the impact KIDStory had on a few participants. 

Dalam Uriah “First of all I would like to thank the KIDStory team for conducting such a wonderful workshop in just a few short hours. It was even better than I imagined. It was really an excellent and inspiring workshop.  The best part was the teamwork and opportunity to apply  the knowledge learned immediately.”

Jwistina Rani is the wife of a Pastor who never wanted to teach children, but after the workshop, she decided she would start teaching Sunday School. She shared, ‘It was great for me to have the privilege to attend the KIDStory workshop. From now on I’m ready to teach  Sunday school classes and I’m not worried or afraid anymore. All I need is to stay focus on God and seek His wisdom. Thanks to all the KIDStory members for such dynamic teachings.”

Pdianghun Marbaniang also commented, “Thank you KIDStory – this was an eye-opener for me. I’d love to share this with my church and speak with the superintendent to host a workshop in Mawlai Nonglum. Teachers now have a method for  teaching Bible stories on Jesus as they are and within a specific time frame.”

Emika said, “I’m so grateful for the KIDStory workshop for helping us with new methods of taking the class and teaching the little ones with the same attitude Jesus had towards children.”

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