
The OneMeal event at California Community Church in Agoura Hills, CA was another in a long history of events where the OneMeal team had the privilege of serving our great partner Children of the Nations. We had the pleasure of being brought together by operating a meal packing event for their partner Cali Community Church. The team was able to serve a wonderful church like CCC because they are pouring their hearts into the great work that COTN does for kids in developing nations. The night before the event the OneMeal event leaders were met by 50 eager volunteers who helped unload the two trucks full of ingredients and equipment to set up packing lines that would accommodate more than five hundred volunteers during their church services the following day. The team was fierce and had the entire room set up and ready to rock in less than two hours. Sunday morning, the rocking began. This church knows how to jam out and not miss a beat in the packing process. They exceeded every expectation and did it with bright smiles, great dance moves, and hearts full of joy while “serving the least of these”

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