
What do Pike’s Peak, Lookout Mountain and Groundhog Day have to do with a playground build in Tennessee? The three have merged together in Chattanooga to bring a great blessing to the kids at New City East Lake Presbyterian Church. It is an inner city multi-cultural area reaching out to the community. They are partnered with Marco Presbyterian Church to build this playground and facilitate a VBS. NCELPC reaches out to kids, drawing from the local YMCA of which most of the 40 who are attending the VBS is in tutoring, music clubs, and other programs.

The church is so appreciative of the playground which the Marco PC prayerfully decided to bless them with this year. The team has many years of experience building playgrounds with KATW all over the world.  It was a great mix of youth and retirees, families and grandparents. Circling the playground with the team, committing it to the Lord and His glory, kept us mindful of the purpose for which we were there.



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