
Recap from Kids Around the World  KIDStory Directors recent travels to India.

How I wish you all could have joined us last night as the workshop participants led four StoryClubs simultaneously – each group having at least 40 orphaned children. The creativity the participants used to draw the children into the Bible Story was so fun to watch.  The children responded with great joy and enthusiasm. Here are some of their responses:

  •       The leaders of the oldest boys group (over 12 years old), had a challenge on their hands.  The boys spoke different languages which they did not realize at first. Three of the Hindu boys who spoke the native tongue each made a commitment to follow Jesus.   When the leaders realized there was a language barrier, they found someone to translate for the other boys. Once the story was told in their own language and they had an understanding of what was happening, several other boys made similar commitments!  
  •       One pastor shared how moved he was by the sorrow of a 7-year-old boy whose father had left the family.  That is what brought the boy and his older sister to the orphanage. The pastor committed to the boy to visit him at least once a month which brought a joyful smile to the boy’s face.
  •       Another boy shared how he too did not have a father, but after hearing the Bible Story, he found great comfort hearing for the first time how Jesus was with him all the time.  


The workshop participants, many who are pastors, also gave testimony to what God had done in their lives this past week.  Here are just a few:

  •       One young woman was at the end of her rope.  God spoke to her and gave great encouragement. 
  •       One pastor confided in us that his wife and daughter had attended a KIDStory workshop last year and were extremely excited about what they had learned.  Not only were they using it in the children’s ministry at his church but they were leading KIDStory workshops in other local churches. The pastor had listened to their excitement but was not personally interested.  He was invited to this workshop but did not realize what he was attending! He called his wife during the week and told her what the workshop was and said: You don’t know what you are missing! The pastor committed to her and the Lord that they would now work together to reach more children and train more leaders, doing and spending whatever it would take.  
  • This gives you a taste of how God’s Spirit has worked in the hearts of children and adults alike.  It was a tremendous time sharing the word and see how God is working!

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