
Kids around the world has always had a heart for the most at-risk children around the world. We have traveled to risky locations to serve the children God loves so much! This heart has brought some interesting places with great needs and opportunities. When we heard about the South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda, our hearts were immediately broken. Several million people have fled to Uganda because of war and famine to find hope in the uninhabited land of Northern Uganda. Over 60% of these people are children. Many are unaccompanied minors who are there without their parents. We were compelled to help.

 In 2017 KATW, along with several partners, packed over 1 MILLION meals and sent them to our partners whose main focus was reaching the children with food and the gospel. Our work has been growing there with over 25 StoryClubs serving the spiritual and educational needs of the children. Over summer we brought our first team to the area to bless, encourage, and equip our partners to better minister to the children. Our team built the first playground in the camp to show the children how much God loved them. The team helped train pastors and their leaders with much-needed resources to build up the churches in the camp. We had a sports camp, games, and other activities to have fun with kids who have only known heartache. At the end of our time there, we realized that our main goal was really let the children know God “sees them.” He sees them in their pain, trials. and heartache. He knows what they need and is not far from them. By our team serving them for the week, we hope that the children understand that their Father in heaven is actively working in their lives and loves them. For children caught in conflict, poverty or at risk, it is important for them to be “seen.” They are at times cast aside, ignored,  or forgotten but this is not God’s heart for them. He is an advocate for children wanting them to have hope for a future and to know their Father in heaven loves them very much.

We pray these precious children realized grasped the hope while we served them and to know that our work will continue with those we trained and left behind. God’s hope will continue to be with them daily.


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