
What do you do when you are stuck in a town unable to proceed with your journey because your vehicle broke down?  Your heart is fluttering as it aligns with God’s heart for reaching children with the message of hope but you remember you know a man of peace in the area…. you guessed right!  You call him and ask if he can arrange a get together with the pastors in the area for an exposure of KIDStory!

This is exactly what happened with this KIDStory workshop. Within a short time leaders were coming from all corners of town to hear about this unique tool for reaching children for Jesus. 

When they heard the story of Jesus blessing the children, the leaders confessed they have stopped the children from coming to Jesus by not supporting the Sunday school teachers enough and not recognizing their position as an important role.

This has turned over a new leaf for the Pastors and leader in Kisii Town, Kenya.




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