
Volunteers playground installer, Mark Devine shares on his playground build in Cambodia.

I was informed that In a city the size of Phnom Pehn, approximately 1.5 million people, it will only have 3-4 playgrounds similar to this one. This playground was built at a Christian school that presently has 300 students in attendance. On the dedication day, the teachers had to limit the play time to only one grade at a time as to not overcrowd the playground. There were about 40 kids on the playground at a time. Their hope is to be able to have the playground open to kids in the area after school hours and on the weekend. It was touching to learn the kids had fundraisers and offerings amongst themselves to help pay for the playground. The enthusiasm and anticipation could be felt from the first day of the build. Even the staff was enthusiastic. One place I saw Jesus working was when the team was laying out the playground on the first day with David Flight, a participant from the area,  I informed him that this was a handicap playground, he told me it had been the schools’ prayer to have a handicapped program and this would fit in perfectly in their dream. 


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