
There was an enlightening moment during this KIDStory workshop. People were able to understand the need for the gospel to be shared with children. They were excited to learn new methods of teaching.  The workshop acted as an eye-opener for them. Participants came to know that Sunday School can be conducted inside and outside the church with an ultimate goal of reaching children. The teachers enjoyed playing new games that would be helpful for them in reaching out to children in churches and in outreach ministries. Many of them were from villages, and they mentioned they would start Sunday Schools at their homes to reach children in their own villages. This would be an additional outreach strategy of the local churches.


 A few exciting reflections were given by the participants:

“Utilizing the KIDStory method of teaching keeps the children’s attention and helps them internalize the Bible stories.

“We learned how to teach the story creatively, using Videos, charts, Puppets, drama, singing, and art as interactive resources for the children’s engagement”



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