
An elder from the Board of Churches of Christ attended a KIDStory workshop and said this training was the best he had ever attended. He had attended many workshops in the past and all he received was advice about how to reach children. There was no practical session to help them implement what they were being taught and he so appreciated this aspect of the  KIDStory workshop as it was very practical and therefore very implementable. He said that they would use this training right away. They wanted more stories using the KIDStory format and so more lessons are being shared with him. He said this training would be a turning point in the church’s ministry with children. He said that the church has gained so much through this training. He liked the fact that the KIDStory strategy was very applicable to the present generation of children. He was convinced that none of the children would get distracted while participating in a KIDStory lesson.

There were also Christian school teachers who attended the workshop and said they would certainly be adding KIDStory to their school curriculum. They expressed being truly blessed by the training. There were even visitors from other districts (regions) who traveled to learn about KIDStory so they could take it back to their districts. The participants were so involved in the training that no one wanted to leave even during the break times.  

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