
Sundar Dohka operates as a transition home for rural children in Nepal that were born with correctable conditions (club feet, cleft lips, etc.). In most of Nepal, these children are viewed as cursed or having been born this way as punishment for their past life. Sundar Dohka helps rural families connect with medical experts in Kathmandu, provides them with housing and transportation, and then ensures each child receives the necessary physical/occupational therapy to return home as mobile as possible. The playground built there is being used as part of their physical therapy process. On opening day a little girl (that was born unable to walk) climbed three stairs and went down the slide. She climbed the three steps, would immediately turn right, lower herself down and slide…walk back to steps, climb all three, turn right, lower herself down and slide…again and again. It was non-stop. She must have climbed 150+ steps over the course of the hour…her tiny legs growing stronger with each repetition. This playground is an environment where kids can encounter Jesus. His healing touch and compassionate love. That is exactly what took place in this girl’s actions. A place where her faith and body can grow stronger together.


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