To end KIDStory Global Director, Gary Strudler, time in the Middle East he spent it with children in two different StoryClubs. The best way to end a trip in his opinion but the pictures speak for themselves.
The Bekaa Valley is where Kids Around the World has spent considerable time partnering with Near East Organization (NEO) to minister to the Syrian refugee families. Playgrounds have been built and now StoryClubs are being formed.  In one of the pictures below are tents on either side of an alley.  In each alley, of which there are many, a StoryClub is started in someone’s tent.  The StoryClub he visited was in the living room of a Muslim woman
whose husband left her with four children and no support.  She loves having the children come to her place because there is joy and happiness when they do.  Along with the children, she encounters the love of Jesus Christ.
After visiting the camp he went back to Beirut for a workshop where participants were going to do their first StoryClub.  It was a very rare occasion where Lebanese, Iraqi, and Syrian children would be together – all 100 or more of them!  It was a life-changing event for everyone.  The workshop participants were able to see the impact of the KIDStory strategy and the children connected with Jesus and His Story.
Please pray for these children and the leaders as they go back home to their communities and to the children they serve.  God is doing a powerful work in the Middle East, drawing children of all ages to Himself!

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