
New and upcoming churches in Chennai, India have a tendency to target youth as their outreach initiative because of the receptive response from the youth. This is the strategy  The Awakening Ministries adopted as well. It was not long before they realized it was time to connect with the children in the community as well so they took the steps to be trained in children’s ministry.

Pastor Joseph is the leader of the ministry who reached out to the KIDStory team to train the staff. His mother also attended the full workshop.  She told the KIDStory team she had attended several workshops in the past and so wanted to see what this workshop was about in comparison to others. She then added this was by far the best training she had attended and was immensely thankful to our team of trainers.

Despite the fact that the participants did not know people from the other churches involved in the workshop, the level of interaction in the room was amazing! There was total involvement by all and the room was filled with excitement and enthusiasm. 

At the end of the day, Pastor Joseph was amazed at the number of people and the number of churches which showed up at the training. The number tripled what he expected!


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