
Ervin has joined this StoryClub in Ecuador for five years, ever since the first KIDStory training in the area. He was a part of StoryClubs and KIDStory before it even had a name. Ervin always has a smile on his face, despite his twisted body holding him back from participating in the game time. He loves to be a part of the Storyclub and shares that with those around him. He believes and follows our Lord and because of that his mother, Eugenia, has come to know Jesus as well. After the earthquake hit a few years ago, Kids Around the World provide them with OneMeal for two months to get them by. Eugenia’s heart opened to hear the gospel after this act of kindness.

Today Ervin has the biggest smile on his face as he sits with our heavenly Father. He no longer feels pain and his body is not holding him back from running and joining in the games. He is with our Savior. He may not have known it but he had a tremendous impact on the StoryClub and the KIDStory staff. He was a blessing to know and a beautiful influence on those around him.

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