
A year and a half ago the  KIDStory team traveled to Haiti to host a KIDStory workshop with Reach Global. The goal was for the Haitians to take initiative and run with the KIDStory methods. Since then KIDStory has continued moving forward So far 47 StoryClubs have been launched. These meet weekly sharing the gospel with children. The change in the children can be hard to evaluate but in asking questions regarding Biblical truth it was discovered that the children are discovering and understanding the principles from the Bible. The teachers testify they can not quantify the evolution of the children but they recognized something new is happening in the lives of the children.

Junior is an 8 yr old boy who shared, “The Kidstory club is the best time on our calendar, we really  love the stories and the games”

One little girl confessed to the teacher, “ I have sinned against my mother. She asked me to do the dishes, and  I disobeyed her, but once I remembered what you have shared with us and the promise I have made, after the Adam and Eve’s story, I asked her to forgive me and made what she had asked me to do.

A teacher share, “Every year there are children who have an evil spirit, some of them abandon before the end of the school year. This Christian program will be very helpful for us”. We praise God for protecting the children from an evil spirit because after 3 months we do not register such a case. Glory to God.

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