
The Armenia team hit the road the road at 6 a.m. for the three-hour drive ahead of them to the Tavush border region. This region is a tough area to live. Many are unaware of the active conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Shelling and gunfire are not uncommon occurrences along the border. The KATW partner on the ground here is Pahapan Foundation. They seek to create safe spaces for children to play and learn. This is where we combine forces for the first playground in this region. 

When the team arrived in Paravakar we got straight to work at the build site, only 700 meters from the Azerbaijan border. The build went up without a hitch. The team worked hard and completed the playground in a day and a half. The team had the pleasure of enjoying large Armenian lunches with the leader of the Tavush region. The buildings next to the playground site had been rebuilt four years earlier due to a direct hit from a mortar. 

The team had an amazing project. They saw how God is working in the lives of Armenians and how KATW partners are trusting God and impacting Armenia for Christ. The priests in the Armenian Church are very active in the region reaching out the people in any way they can. They partner with many organizations on development projects to bring life back to this region. The humility and love for the people of Tavush is evident in the lives and hearts of these men. KATW hopes to continue partnering with this organization in bringing hope to this region. 




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