
The team began their work in Vanadzor without knowing if the playground would even be released in time. In fact, the reality was that the team would most likely dig holes for the playground and depart without seeing a playground built. Shipping and clearing a container is always one of the biggest challenges. This container had a delay while in route that put it into Armenia very late. The only hope was that God would take a process that normally takes weeks and do it in days. The team began the work by laying out the playground and digging the holes in anticipation of its release. About 2/3 of the way through the day they found out the God made the impossible happen. The container was released! This began a whole other challenge. Due to the delay the build schedule was very tight. They had one day to build and get the concrete in place. Through much hard work and God’s provision they were able to complete the playground in one day. Unlike most playground builds the team was not able to enjoy children playing on this playground. The team had to get on the road to another site shortly after. While it is disappointing to not see the children play on the playground, there is still a reminded who we do this for. God will use this playground for His glory. The team did receive a report the next day that the kids were having an amazing time playing, as expected.

The KATW partner, ARDA, is committed to improving the lives of the most desperate in Armenia. The ARDA Village in Vanadzor has 60 families that have previously been living in shipping containers. Winter in Armenia is cold and the living conditions for these families were life-threatening. ARDA has been serving in Armenia for the past 50 years. They began their work in Armenia as the Armenian Gospel Mission.



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