
Testimony from a Sunday school teacher,
“I have been a Sunday school teacher for many years but I used to only tell the Bible Story …until now.  In this KIDStory workshop, I learned so much, the KIDStory format was so useful. Though I’ve attended many VBS trainings I did not find any of them as useful as this one.  The ‘Opening’ and ‘Background’ were new to me. Initially, I did not understand the ‘Background’ but the leader explained it many times we all got it. They were very patient in teaching and I really appreciated that.  They also created a very fun environment to learn which is ideal for children as well as adults.”

Testimony from the pastor’s son, Jeyaprakash 

“I have been to Sunday school and I also teach Sunday School but I did not know there is so much more to teaching children the Bible. I used to just tell the stories and this training taught me how to ask questions so we can actually go into the depth of the story and also find out what the thoughts of the children are.”  

Feedback from a participant named Grace

“I have been teaching Sunday School for many years now but I just realized and learned if we use this method to teach the children they will definitely be involved. The children will also be interested in attending regularly. We will definitely implement this strategy in our teaching. “

Another participant names Jennifer shared

” I have been teaching Sunday School for a while now but it is always difficult to gather the children and keep them interested in the class.  I learned so much today on getting the children involved. I did not realize I could tell stories in so many ways. Also the method of asking questions was so new to me.  I did not know that we could ask questions in so many ways. The training was so interesting I did not even realize how long it was – time just flew.”



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