
The KIDStory workshop in Jangareddi Gundam was an amazing opportunity for Coach Karuna and her sister Dina, who assisted with the workshop. Coach Karuna and her sister Dina had a long days travel by train to reach the destination for the workshop. They encountered a few hiccups, waitlists, and canceled tickets but God provided accommodations and safe travels the whole way. Coach Karuna had the opportunity to train churches that are reaching out to the tribal-dominated interior parts of Andhra Pradesh. She was excited to see the people who had been longing for this kind of learning. She expressed that this KIDStory workshop has pushed them to the next level of evangelism in their region. 

The training started with an opening prayer, followed with a song, then a discussion on the importance of children which segued perfectly into the method of KIDStory. There were 36 participants from five different churches at the training. The training went really well and all who attended were truly blessed and benefited greatly from the teaching. 



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