
Syrian children are beginning to dreaming again. War, migration, terror, and tremendous pain has taken a toll on the over 500,000 Syrian refugee children living in Lebanon. The effects of this pain could last for decades. Could continue to impact the next generations. Kids Around the World has compassion for these children and we want to provide as much hope as we can while they are living in Lebanon. The last project in Lebanon was aimed at providing the gift of PLAY to over 700 Syrian children who attend school at one of our partner’s locations. These kids are getting educated and cared for by Christians who love them and want to share on God’s love for them. Through this love, the children are blossoming. Not only are they able to learn valuable skills that will get them through school but just as important they are also learning to dream again! One of their dreams was to play. Not just to play in the streets or alleyways or between the tents. Not just to play with rocks and sticks and tires. They had a dream to play like kids that did not live in a war zone. They wanted to play like the more fortunate kids in other countries. They wanted to be special like them. Through their perseverance and creativity, they were able to realize their dream. They now have a beautiful playground right outside their school walls. They can play like normal children now. While they play they can escape for a few minutes from the pain that comes from the war, the discplacement, and the memories of the road to Lebanon to just “be a kid.” this is a dream we can have for all the Syrian children living in Lebanon.

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