
During the course of the Impact Team trip, the team witnessed a different kind of freshness through the Holy Spirit. As the Gospel spreads through the valley, spiritual fruit is being harvested. It is beautiful, lovely and precious to be a part of. The team saw this new “fruit” in refugee homes on vineyards which have given their experience more meaning. These people take care of the vines and grapes of wealthy landowners and live humbly in their tents on the property. While the grapes are delicious…the stories of their personal and family transformation are even better. God has reached their hearts through miracles, dreams, and visions in the most amazing circumstances. Upon experiencing this…they believed. Seems surreal to hear and witness in those moments. 
For the team, this has inspired them to be more involved in the harvesting of souls in Lebanon and back home. The taste of this “fresh fruit” is something we want to continue being a part of. We thank God for giving us these sweet times with new believers in the ripe fields of Lebanon.


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