
Throughout the two days, the conference participants continually commented on how impactful the workshop and ensuing breakouts were.  One participant is a retired teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent who commented, “ This is the best children’s conference I have ever attended.”

 The participants shared what happened when they went back into their normal routines.  An email came the following day after the conference had ended saying,

“I went home Saturday night and rewrote my teaching for this morning using what I learned from KIDStory, and really the response today was nothing short of amazing. After we complete the current series we are on, I’m going to start the Year A lessons. I was burning myself out with research, and reading and making these long-winded lessons, in hopes the kids understand so much by the time they hit middle school and are out of my care. Not to mention I was talking so so much. At the conference, I was super convicted. I realized I have been interpreting scripture for the kids and taking the gift of Holy spirit supplied understanding away from them. I needed this conference. This morning was freeing. I spoke for probably 10 minutes total. The kids got it, were engaged, and told the story back in sequence. This is a gift!”



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