
What happens to people’s lives after a KIDStory workshop?  What lasting, eternal impact could happen from a simple one-day workshop?  Most people leave a conference saying how “nice” it was or “what good material” they had, but what would impact the children whom this was designed for?  

If you ask Pastor Carlos from Honduras, be prepared to have a lengthy conversation.  He has been noticing some very significant changes in the lives of the children whose leaders are utilizing the KIDStory strategy.  The children are getting used to the “new system” and are anticipating what is going to happen next in their lesson, especially when it comes to the Discover and Response Questions (activities in the KIDStory method). At first, it was awkward but now the children are engaged in the process. The learning does not stop in their StoryClub it continues when they are at home.  Children as young as eight years old are developing Bible study habits and are engaging in God’s Word throughout the week outside of the StoryClubs.
In particular, the Hand Questions at the end of the lesson are allowing the children to encounter God in new and fresh ways.  The children are realizing they can hear the voice of God and they are an integral part of God’s Story. They leave saying, “ Jesus has a mission for me.  I can hear His voice and I know my part in His plan.”
Are children’s lives being changed?  If you are ever in Honduras, take Pastor Carlos out for a cup of coffee and be prepared to stay a while as he recounts the many ways God’s Word and Spirit are impacting the lives of the children in his StoryClubs!


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