
A volunteer installer and his son shared about their experience as they traveled to Pakistan to build this playground.

“One of the highlights was working side by side with the kids and teachers from the school that received the playground. We had two very long days yet several of the Pakistani workers stayed right with it. At the end of the second day, the Pakistani Army Rangers, who were our security detail, mentioned to our interpreter that it was such a good thing that the young Pakistani men were learning how to work hard and construct nice things, even in the slum areas where we were. It gave our lead Pakistani Pastor the opportunity to share with these men, who were Muslim, that the reason we work so hard is because we love God and want to praise Him in our work.  The reason we constructed such a nice playground is that we are called to beautify God’s Kingdom and serve those that others might see as least or last. In a place where power hierarchies, bribery, trash, and crazy traffic are normal, we both were excited by the way the Kingdom advanced, even when we couldn’t accomplish it through words.” 

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