
The Bible has a lot to say about orphans. As followers of Jesus, caring for them is not an option. The KATW 2018 Haiti Impact Team took God’s command seriously this week as they lovingly served the orphans among us. It only took minutes for boys and girls to warm up to the team when they arrived. Many commented on how they did not choose a child’s hand or which child to hold, but said: “they chose us”. Little girls whispered I love you in Creole as they peacefully fell asleep while being held close. Boys played soccer and football with the team and gave away lots of hugs. This team not only built a playground; they built new beds for children sleeping on the floor in the orphanage. They distributed clothing and toys to children who had nothing. They told the story of Jesus’ birth and set up craft stations. They gave children the attention and love their little lives are missing. Then, on New Year’s Day, the playground was dedicated. After the children, who live at the orphanage, had the first 1/2 hour on the playground, the community joined the fun and shared a traditional New Year’s Day meal of pumpkin soup. There was lots of fun and music too! The impact these children had on the team will last a lifetime. We hope the impact this team had on the children will be the same.


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