
A dedicated volunteer installer traveled to Mexico to build a playground at a daycare center.  He shares about his experience

“I am constantly awed by the outreach of other Christians from around the world. Working on projects with other Christians is spiritually fulfilling and rewarding. Being with people of the same heart and passion renews my heart. I experienced the love of these people from Penticton Vineyard Community Church in Canada helping people from Mexico. They have adopted a church and Casa Del Luz daycare in a small town in Primo Tapia Mexico. They have shown their love of Christ by helping with projects on the compound’s property. They also help the people in the community. I had the opportunity to meet one lady that they have helped by installing a working bathroom in her home, where there once was none. They hand out food baskets to another village. The playground was built at a “daycare” which is uncommon for the area. This allows the people of the town to go to work while having someone care for their children. One such example is a lady who started a taco shop down the street from the church, she currently employs eight people. The people of this town have been truly blessed by the love of people from a small church in Canada.”

Thanks to all the volunteers who make KATW events and projects happen!

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