
Following a two dayKIDStory workshop in India, the recently trained KIDStory leaders were told to go and share what they had learned. before they went their separate directions a few participants shared about their experience at the workshop

Two attendees shared their experience with KIDStory:

Sophia, Sunday School Teacher

“I teach Kindergarten children.  It has been so tough to manage this group that we have 3 leaders for this group of children. We usually used to keep them inside a room and lock the room as they would always want to run out and not sit in the class.  Today we just had the class in the open. We usually had an opening prayer, story and then ended with a small prayer. Today we started with an opening. We were teaching the story of Samuel and so we had a little game for the children as an opening. We played a blind-fold game. The children enjoyed the story and also when we asked questions all the children answered.  We had a super time with the children this Sunday.”

Suganthy, Sunday School Teacher

“I have attended so many trainings but there has always been a burden in my heart how to reach children of today as we have so many distractions. I really like the way everything went right from the opening, the games that were used were all related to the lesson.  It was so useful to us. Having a game for the Opening and Retell was so beneficial and also the various methods that were taught and the way to prepare was very useful. All of us couldn’t conduct classed this Sunday but we are so sure that as we use them in future this will bear much fruit.”

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